by Susan Denisi | Jul 1, 2024 | How To, AC, Air Conditioner, Blinds, Broken, Ceiling Fans, Cool, Cool Air, Exterior Doors, Summer, Warm Air, Windows
If your AC is acting up and you can’t figure out what’s wrong, we understand—it’s HOT outside! If your air conditioner is broken, don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Let’s work together to keep you cool. By now,...
by Susan Denisi | Apr 1, 2024 | Best Practices, AC, Air Conditioner, Air Filters, Airflow, Do's and Don'ts, HVAC Care, HVAC Myths, HVAC Tips, Preventative Maintenance, Seasonal Checkups, Thermostat, Warranty
Happy April Fools’ Day! Today, it is best to stay on alert so you can avoid falling for simple jokes and pranks that test your gullibility. While the origin of this day is unclear, many partake in this day for harmless fun and the sake of lighthearted laughs. However,...
by Susan Denisi | Aug 1, 2023 | AC, Age, Air Conditioner, Brand, Condenser, Lifespan, Manufacture Date, Model, Nameplate, Online, Outdoor Unit, Serial Number
While it’s considered impolite to ask a woman for her age, fortunately, the same doesn’t hold true for your air conditioning system. As a responsible homeowner, it’s essential to know the age and condition of your AC unit, as it plays a crucial role...
by Susan Denisi | Jun 1, 2023 | Temperature, AC, Air Conditioner, Cool Air, Degree, Energy Consumption, Fahrenheit, Smart Thermostat, Summer, Temperature Setting, Thermostat
As the summer season progresses, our reliance on technology to keep our homes cool and comfortable increases, despite the hot weather outside. This means your air conditioning unit has likely been running continuously for a few weeks now, and you can expect it to do...
by Susan Denisi | May 5, 2023 | AC, Air Conditioner, Air Conditioning System, Cooling Unit, Energy Bills, Financing, Lifespan, Monroe, Ohio, R22, Refrigerant, Upgrade
Owning a home can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to making decisions about the upkeep of your house. This is particularly true for air conditioning systems. If you’re questioning how long your older AC unit will last and whether or not you should wait...
by Becca Agunga | Sep 30, 2022 | AC, Air Conditioner, Central Air, Cooling, Cooling Power, Installation, Monroe, Ohio, Pros and Cons, Temperature, Window Unit
Choosing how you wish to keep cool within your home during the heat of summer is up to you, so it’s best first to decide the ideal option for you and your home. So, let’s think about this for a second. What is the better choice? To help consider your alternatives,...