by Susan Denisi | Jan 1, 2024 | Air Filters, Attic Insulation, Ceiling Fan, Condenser, Ductwork, HVAC Habits, HVAC System, Maintenance, Smart Thermostat, Vents
As January unfolds, unveiling a pristine canvas for the new year filled with boundless possibilities, it’s likely you’ve crafted resolutions to better various facets of your life—financial, academic, fitness, or personal goals. Tracing its roots back to...
by Becca Agunga | Sep 2, 2022 | AC, Blog, Ceiling Fan, Cool Air, Do's and Don'ts, Energy Costs, Energy Efficient, HVAC, Monroe, OH, Ohio, Pull Chain, Summer
Not only do ceiling fans help us financially during the warm weather, but during cool months too. The only shift made between the seasons is the fan’s speed and its rotation direction. In the summer, we urge you to set your fans to spin counterclockwise to save...