by Susan Denisi | Jul 6, 2023 | HVAC System, Age, Cooling, Corrosion, Drafty, Ductwork, Dust, Heating, HVAC History, HVAC Inspection, Inconsistent, Maintenance, Noises, Odors, Older System, Registers, Regulation, Rust, Stuffy, Temperature, Unit, Vents
If you’re in the market to buy a house, congratulations! Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or not, it’s definitely a milestone to celebrate. Though searching for a home can be exciting, it can also be overwhelming as there are many details to consider...
by Becca Agunga | Sep 30, 2022 | AC, Air Conditioner, Central Air, Cooling, Cooling Power, Installation, Monroe, Ohio, Pros and Cons, Temperature, Window Unit
Choosing how you wish to keep cool within your home during the heat of summer is up to you, so it’s best first to decide the ideal option for you and your home. So, let’s think about this for a second. What is the better choice? To help consider your alternatives,...
by Becca Agunga | Aug 16, 2022 | A/C, Air Conditioner, Air Filter, Blog, Cooling, Monroe, OH, Ohio, Summer, Thermostat, Tips & Tricks
Is it only me, or do our Ohio summers appear to be getting hotter and hotter? It’s challenging to have an air conditioning unit that isn’t performing well, and if it loses full functioning, what do you do? Well, the last thing you want to do is panic. Monroe Heating...
by Becca Agunga | Aug 5, 2022 | AC, Air Conditioner, Air Filter, Blog, Cooling, HVAC, Monroe, OH, Ohio, Thermostat, Tips & Tricks
It’s no news that we all have a degree of gratitude for a functioning air conditioner during these hot summer months. But, whether we take the time to appreciate these sophisticated systems is a whole other situation that some may disregard. Monroe Heating &...