by Susan Denisi | May 1, 2024 | Pollutants, Air Filters, Air Purifier, Airborne, Contaminants, Dehumidifier, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, iWave-R, Pollution, UV Lights, Whole-home
It’s National Clean Air Month! Today’s the perfect time to chat about indoor air quality, also known as IAQ. Believe it or not, indoor air is usually about five times more polluted than outdoor air. Makes sense, right? Since the air inside our homes keeps...
by Susan Denisi | Mar 1, 2024 | Allergies, Air Purifier, Airborne, Allergens, Control, Dehumidifier, Duct Cleaning, Environment, Ohio, Particles, Pollen, Practical, Smart Thermostat, Spring, Trigger, Whole-home
Did you know that March 19th marks the first day of spring this year? While we welcome warmer weather and beautiful flowers, it also means seasonal allergies for many Ohio residents. Allergies can bring on a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, commonly known as hay...
by Susan Denisi | Mar 1, 2023 | Monroe, Benefits, Dehumidifier, Humidity, Humidity Levels, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, Mildew, Moisture, Mold, Seasonal Change, Spring, Transition, Whole-home
As the days become warmer and brighter, so does the humidity; let Monroe Heating & Air help you create a comfortable and healthy environment for your family during this early spring transition. Read on to discover all you need to know about controlling indoor air...
by Becca Agunga | Mar 25, 2022 | Indoor Pollutants, Air Filter, Blog, Dehumidifier, Humidifier, HVAC, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, Monroe, OH, Ohio, Thermostat
With spring in full effect, it is that time of the year when pollen and allergens are a prominent issue. For many people who suffer from allergy symptoms, staying indoors is optimal. However, it is not uncommon for pollen and other contaminants to still cause...