by Susan Denisi | Oct 1, 2024 | Air Filter, Allergens, Bacteria, Contaminants, Dirty Air Filter, Dust, Energy Bills, Germs, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, Odors, Pollutants, Seasonal Changes
The consequences of a clogged air filter might be more serious than you realize! In fact, they can be pretty scary. Have you ever considered what happens when your HVAC air filters get clogged for too long? While it may seem like a small issue, blocked air filters can...
by Susan Denisi | May 1, 2024 | Pollutants, Air Filters, Air Purifier, Airborne, Contaminants, Dehumidifier, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, iWave-R, Pollution, UV Lights, Whole-home
It’s National Clean Air Month! Today’s the perfect time to chat about indoor air quality, also known as IAQ. Believe it or not, indoor air is usually about five times more polluted than outdoor air. Makes sense, right? Since the air inside our homes keeps...